The Spring/Summer 2023 CalAppNews is now available to view or download, featuring a message from our new CADC President, Ed Haggerty, reviews of our March 2023 conference sessions, a remembrance of a dearly departed colleague, and more. Back issues of the CalAppNews are also available in our members’ section.
The conference materials for the 2023 CADC Conference – as well as those from prior conferences – are now available for download here (CADC members only).
Garrick Byers has compiled the most important new statutes, rules, and forms for California Criminal Law for the year 2023, which can be found on our Internet Resources page (members only).
Important reading for the new year!
Thank you, Garrick!!!
Wanted: SDAP Staff Attorney
SDAP is currently accepting applications from individuals interested in working as a full-time staff attorney. Employment will begin this summer. Like the rest of the SDAP staff, this position is subject to a hybrid work model, meaning that the employee must work at least two days per week (including Thursdays) at SDAP’s office; the remainder of the time, the employee can work remotely. Click here to read more on how to apply.
LA County Superior Court seeks attorneys to represent indigent defendants in Appellate Division
The Los Angeles County Superior Court Appellate Division is looking for lawyers interested in joining the panel of appointed attorneys to represent indigent defendants appealing misdemeanor decisions.
To qualify for the panel, an attorney must be members in good standing of the California Bar, have a strong background in research and writing, have a thorough understanding of criminal law and procedure, be knowledgeable about the appeals process, including the California Rules of Court and the local rules of the Los Angeles County Superior Court governing misdemeanor appeals, and agree to abide by PACE policies and protocols.
Send a cover letter, resume and two writing samples to:
Presiding Judge Patti Jo McKay, Appellate Division, Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Room 607, Los Angeles County Superior Court, 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles. CA 90020 Attn: Aida (Evelyn) Vallejo.
CADC’s forced entry into 21st Century technology continued this month with our hosting of the Executive Directors and representatives from each of the five appellate projects for our first-ever online CADC Project Directors’ Roundtable held on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.
For defense attorneys who were not able to attend it live, we are providing this LINK where the recording can be viewed free of charge. You do not need to be a member of CADC to view it, but you do need to register, provide your state bar number, and certify that you are not a member of a prosecutorial agency or an employee of the courts. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on how to join. Please submit any questions to: [email protected].
CADC and Lexis have negotiated a
40% Lexis discount on three different plans for CADC members.